How to access your Sussex Homemove account
Your Sussex Homemove login has changed to ensure that it meets the latest standards of data security.
A new security feature designed to keep your details safe and to prevent unauthorised access will be added to your Sussex Homemove account. This is sometimes referred to as “Two Factor Authentication” – other services such as online banking apply such principles before you can login. You will have to enter a PIN each time you login. The PIN you use on each login is unique, with a new one sent to your email address each time you try to login. Instructions will be shown on-screen when you next try to login to the Sussex Homemove user account.
This change will come into effect on 20 August 2024.
From the date of the change to login, you will need to do the following:
1. Enter your username / email address
2. Enter your password
3. Enter the unique PIN that has been sent to the email address linked to your Sussex Homemove account.
Please note that you will not be able to log into your account to upload documents, place bids, change any of your detail unless you receive a PIN number.
If you have any issues with receiving the “PIN” – please contact the council from your registered email address and we will try to help you.

Mutual Exchange
If you are a social housing tenants, there's more than one way to move. As well as looking for a new home through Sussex Homemove, you can also advertise your home for 'swap' with another tenant on the Exchange Locata website. Why not take a
look and see what is available?
Please note that you need your landlord's permission to carry out a mutual exchange. You will need a clear rent account and the
property you move to must be suitable for your needs. Speak to your landlord for further advice.

How to Rent - Advice on Renting from a Private Landlord
The 'How to Rent' guide is for tenants and landlords in the private rented sector to help them understand their rights and
responsibilities. It provides a checklist and more detailed information on each stage of the process, including what to look out for
before renting, living in a rented home, what happens at the end of a tenancy, and what to do if things go wrong. Visit the
GOV.UK website for more information.